Obverse: SIXTH WORLD CONGRESS around above / ∙ of GYNAECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS ∙ around below /
Seal of INTERNATIONAL GYNECOLOGY & OBSTRETICS around standing figure of woman with rays /
Seal of AMERICAN COLLEGE of OBSTRETRICIANS & GYNECOLOGISTS around seated figure of mother holding child, 1951 to left
THE AMERICAN COLLEGE / of OBSTETRICIANS and GYNECOLOGISTS / legend incused within incused wreath
Bronze Medal - 64 mm – plain edge
FIGO – the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics – an organization that brings these professional societies together on a global basis. Every three years since FIGO was founded in 1954, thousands of gynecologists and obstetricians gather in one city for a week.
FIGO as the acronym of its French name Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique.
It is a worldwide NGO.
And A So-Called Dollar (which they already have)
Each one has an interesting story behind it with facts garnered from the Internet
Obverse: SAMUEL BRONFMAN, around above bust of Bronfman facing left.
Reverse: Coat of Arms of Seagrams, Eightieth Birthday Commemoration, above around / March 4, 1971 below.
Edge: Medallic Art Co NY Bronze
50 mm
Samuel Bronfman, a son of a refugee from czarist
Samuel Brofman died July 10, 1971, less than six month after the family celebration depicted by this medal. He was born a Canadian citizen on March 4, 1891, in Brandon, Manitoba.
Reverse: headquarters in
Edge: Whitehead & Hoag
38mm Bronze
Designer: Kilenyi, Julio
38 mm bronze medal designed by Julio Kilenyi and struck by Whitehead & Hoag. Kilenyi designed this as one of two so-called dollars
Hibbler Kappen 738 (1926 Paramount Pictures)
UNIFACE - 80 mm - Manufactured from a Ultra Hard Material
English translation of the Cyrillic inscription - A Commerative of 30 Years 1961-1991
Establishment of
Named for V.N.Bakulya,
Institut sverhtverdy'h materialov im.V.N.Bakulya
04074 st.Avtozavodskaya, 2,
Obverse: woman under palmetto tree,
Tricentennial around r., 1670 l. 1970 r. incused on cross bar,
two small seals l. & r. below.
Reverse: scene at
Edge: Medallic Art Co. N.Y. Bronze 39 mm
Designed by Enrique Monjo. He was born in Barcelona, Spain. Monjo immigrated to the United States and established himself in South Carolina.
Engraved by Philip E. Fowler, execution is in high relief.
Fowler was on the engraving staff at the Philadelphia Mint, which produced the first issues in silver and bronze. The silver issues were numbered on the edge. The second series in high relief, above, in bronze 39mm struck by Medallic Art Co. New York .
The South Carolina Palmetto is classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as “Inodes Palmetto" (also called Sabal Palmetto) and
commonly known as the Cabbage Palmetto.
Obverse: 1867 ~ / CENTENNIAL / ~ - 1967 / FIRST U.S. MISSILE BASE, around l. image of missile fired l. /FT. D.A. RUSSELL DAK. TERR. / ESTABLISHED 1867, below images of the fort on oval / F.E. WARREN /
Reverse: CHEYENNE / WYOMING around above, 1867 l. above capital bucking horse with cowboy on disc r. / 1967 r. / CENTENNIAL incused on ribbon / railroad engine with coal car on track / APIVAL UNION PACIFIC RR, below.
Maker: Medallic Art Co. N.Y. Bronze 45mm
It was on the branch of the South Platte River, three miles west of what is today Cheyenne that Fort D. A. Russell was established in 1867. Originally named in honor of Civil War Brigadier General David A. Russell, F. E. Warren Air Force Base is the oldest continuously active military installation within the Air Force. It's home to the 90th Space Wing and Headquarters, 20th Air Force, of Air Force Space Command.
When President Lincoln and Congress set plans for the transcontinental railroad, they recognized the need for a military installation to protect Union Pacific workers from hostile Indians. On July 4, 1867, the railroad established its mountain region headquarters at Crow Creek Crossing, later known as Cheyenne. A few weeks later, the U.S. Cavalry moved from temporary headquarters in Cheyenne to a point three miles west and established Fort D. A. Russell. Thus, 1867 was the beginning of a city and a fort, and both have grown together over the years. In 1876, troops from Fort Russell participated in the Great Sioux Indian Wars, the same in which Lt. Col. Custer's forces were defeated.